Saturday, December 09, 2006


Holidays + Families = Get your drink on

Why buy Uncle Lou that $15 wallet from Daffy's just to give him a present? Screw that. Head across the bridge to Moore Bros and pick up a case from their Bon Marche Collection (mixed, 6 white / 6 red) - $125. As you make the rounds to Mom and Dads house, Aunt Lils and Grandma Betty's bring along a bottle. A real no hassle gift that, of course, benefits you as well - "pull the cork, dad". Speaking of cork pulling, D the Pig Eating Jew, swears by the Screwpull Table Model - $29. While you wander around Moore Bros you may want to think about your friends who love sushi, especially Sagami, and get them a bottle of Jizake sake (it's the blue bottle) - $49. Still think your wine obsessed foody friends have everything wine related? Head over to The Pour for some great reviews of the latest wine books. Stay tuned for more holiday gift ideas for the foody in you (and, hell, in others as well).

Friday, December 08, 2006


Tis the season for ... Bacon!

Has anyone else noticed that bacon has become sizzling (gag - another pun like that and i am sure to be fired from guest blogging) hot as of late? It's everywhere. First, nyt had a travel article about Philly and one of the first places they head to is John's Roast Pork in Deep South Philly. Not technically "bacon" but close enough. I cannot believe i haven't ventured a stones throw from Tony Luke's to hit this joint. That is sad. Next, last week i stumbled across a review for Seduced By Bacon, which my wife said "would be the perfect birthday gift[1] for our friend (Jewish) who loves bacon (and i mean loves the pig - all parts. He even refers to himself as "(name withheld) The Pig Eating Jew"[2]. Then i run across an interview in the Metro (don't ask) with the author of said book who quotes James Beard, "Nothing is quite as intoxicating as the smell of bacon frying in the morning.". Napalm, Bacon? Look how far we've come. To top it off, this weeks New Yorker has some gift ideas and there they drop the bomb - Bacon of the Month Club. Wow. I know of at least one Jew who is drooling on his keyboard right now.

[1] Damn! Snap! Will have to find another gift.

[2] The first time we had PEJ and his lady friend over for dinner we made a bacon, swiss shard, butternut squash and pasta (topped with fat slices of Parmesan) dish. This was one of the first times meeting PEJ and, obviously, we didn't know his propensity for pig mastication. I firmly believe that bacon has alot to do with our long lasting friendship.

Bottom-line: if you are running out of Hanukkah (or Satan Clause) gift ideas look no further. The pig is in.